How Does a Smart Home Become Right for You?

With the emergence of various technological innovations, many household tasks can now be automated for your convenience. You can instantly turn your home into a smart home using home devices and appliances linked through an internet connection.

Networked devices allow homeowners or users to remotely control automated functions such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, lighting, entertainment rooms, and even security systems. Home automation can easily be set up by a smart home system provider, along with a network surveillance company that can ensure that only authorized devices have access to your home.

Curious about smart homes? Read on to know more about their advantages and disadvantages.


1. Convenience and Remote Monitoring

With smart homes, you can manage all your networked devices in one place. You can control the lighting, thermostat, or whatever connected devices you have through your phone or tablet. You can switch off the lights in the kitchen even if you are in your bedroom. You can even open the gates without leaving your seat. Going somewhere and left the door unlocked? Fret not. With smart door locks, you can instantly lock and unlock your door with one tap wherever you are.

Smart home technology also makes tasks more convenient. New to cooking? You can purchase kitchen appliances or a smart oven that can bake your marinated turkey at the perfect temperature. You can even make yourself a coffee with just a simple voice command.

The possibilities are endless as long as your devices are connected to the same network and have a good internet connection.

2. Security

Most home automation devices are aimed at improving home security and surveillance. Motion sensors, automated door locks, and security cameras all provide layers of security for your home and your family. With smart security cameras, you will be able to monitor your property in real-time, unlike traditional security cameras. You can also receive notifications and security alerts on your smartphone, whether inside the house or at your workplace.

3. Reduced energy consumption

Interconnected smart home appliances can increase energy efficiency. While some people may think smart homes consume more electricity, you can better manage your consumption using automation. You can instantly turn off the television when no one uses it, adjust the thermostats automatically, or switch off lights that are not in use. Living in smart homes can reduce your energy consumption by as much as 30 to 40 percent. Some smart home devices can be programmed to learn your daily routine, which can help automate when it needs to turn on the heating or even air conditioning.

4. Future-proof

Technology and innovation are the future. While smart home technology is still in its premature stage, it is expected to get better as new technologies are developed and enhanced. Many companies are continuously investing in research and development to provide consumers the best home innovations.

Even though smart home technology is fairly new, it is already estimated that about 31 billion connected Internet of Things devices in 2020, and that figure is expected to double in 2025.

remote control home tablet


1. Upfront costs

While you are expected to save on utility bills in the long run, the initial investment needed to set up or buy a smart home is significantly higher. Even remodeling your traditional home into a smart one is expensive too. The lighting alone can set you back as much as $1,000.

2. Security breach

One of the advantages of smart homes is improved security. But since this innovation is fairly new, it is not foolproof. It is still susceptible to security breaches and privacy issues that can potentially harm you and your family. Because smart home technology is commonly wirelessly connected, the transfer of data can be delayed or interrupted or even fail altogether and compromise your property’s security.

3. Internet connection vulnerability

Home automation relies on internet connectivity. When the internet is down, so are your smart home appliances. During power or internet outages, your home security can easily be vulnerable as well. Reliable internet connection and backup is crucial to keep your smart home seamlessly working.

4. Compatibility

Initial installation of smart devices control using a central device ensures compatibility. However, if you opt to upgrade in the future, new systems may not be supported, and you might need to use a different program or app to control your devices. As more innovations are developed, your devices may also become outdated.

5. Steep learning curve

Millennials and Generation Z can easily adapt to newer technologies faster. On the other hand, the elderly may have a harder time adjusting and learning how smart homes work. Thus, smart homes may not be the best option for extended families living with older people.

Home automation can make significant changes in our daily lives in terms of convenience and security, and the benefits far outweigh the costs. It is a project one should consider exploring, especially if you have the means to finance it.