Web Hosting Elements that Affect Your SEO Ranking

Most businesses have now invested millions to ensure that their websites are at the top of search engine rankings. This is, after all, the only way they can guarantee optimal online visibility and reach the billions of clients found online. Although you might assume that you have taken care of all the elements that devalue your website, like over 80% of business owners nowadays, you might be missing out on one key factor that devalues your website. This is your web hosting platform.

Most companies see no need for the input of an SEO expert from Kansas City when choosing their ideal web hosting platform. They will primarily base their choice on their available options and budget. However, your choice of a web host is one of the critical elements that affect several ranking aspects for your website. The following are some of these web hosting elements:


Most elements of web design nowadays are based on the optimization of a website’s speed. However, you will be doing little if you optimize your website design without picking a fast hosting service. In most instances, a virtual private server (VPS) rather than a shared web hosting is the fastest choice for your site. This is because the speed of your site is directly influenced by that of your web host’s servers. If a large group is sharing your host’s servers, then this will slow your site’s loading speed.


The worst thing that might happen to your website is not loading at all. Downtime on your site is primarily related to an issue with your web host’s servers. The common ones are the exceeding of the host’s bandwidth limit or servers that are out of order. This will not only turn off clients but will also have a significant impact on your SEO rank. Should your downtime continue for some days, Google will remove your website from its index. Although this might be resolved and your site gets back up, it will be flagged as undependable.

Database Connection Failure

One of the standard error messages for website visitors is “internal server error.” This means that your database is inaccessible. The common cause of this issue is access to your database by too many people simultaneously. When your website traffic increases, then you need to opt for VPS hosting or have a dedicated server to cater to the large number of clients on your site. If your database connection failure issues are persistent, search engines will flag your site as unreliable.

Shared Hosting with Spammy Sites

Website optimizationAlthough relatively rare, you might share your shared hosting platform with a spammy website. This puts your website at risk of being considered spammy as well. Hence, you should check the sites with which you are sharing a web hosting platform to guarantee that they are all authentic.

The elements of web hosting mentioned above mean little to most business owners. However, to an SEO expert, they make a significant difference. Choosing to handle a few issues of your site based on the numerous SEO tutorials online is setting your digital marketing efforts for failure. Leave all elements of your online marketing to an SEO expert to guarantee handsome return on investment.