Bolstering Small Business Cybersecurity in Both Cloud and Physical Space

Cybersecurity isn’t just for big companies. Taking steps to protect their data both in the cloud and in real life can benefit small businesses immensely, protecting their ventures from damaging data breaches and fostering customer trust through better peace of mind.

With more and more big-name data breaches making headlines, people, in general, are becoming afraid of the implications of data mining. To allay these fears and restore consumer confidence, businesses big and small can no longer afford to ignore the need for better defenses. Bolstering network security can help a small business win back the confidence of its customers and minimize the risks that the business itself would be exposed to.

Exactly where a business would need to start defending itself from malicious cyberattacks can vary. There are multiple points of entry that can be compromised, including from within the company itself. Small businesses should look for assistance in managing their cybersecurity protocols to ensure that they are protected from as many of these points as possible.

Hiring a cybersecurity solutions provider doesn’t just provide businesses and their customers with peace of mind. Companies that assure their customers of their data’s safety build a brand that values their customer’s safety, which can give them a competitive advantage. The amount of money saved from preventing the truly dire losses incurred from cybersecurity breaches more than justifies taking these steps toward better security.

Patching Exploits

Among the many points of entry that cybercriminals can take advantage of are systematic bugs within the third-party software used extensively by many businesses. In recent years, bugs within software platforms such as WordPress, Adobe Flash, and Microsoft Office 360 have been compromised by cybercriminals, which have used malware exploits to utilize these bugs as a backdoor to hijack and compromise business websites and networks from within.

The impact that these exploits can have to a business is severe—especially in the age of cloud computing where most businesses rely on third-party software-as-a-service solutions to save on their network infrastructure. Software service providers do not often provide sufficient protection for the data stored by their client companies using their services against these threats.

Large software ventures and cybersecurity companies often rely on a dedicated team of specialists to identify these exploits, which can then be closed before they cause widespread damage. Because many of these exploits are closed through patches as security teams eventually seal them off, it is tantamount that companies periodically keep up with their updates to ensure the security of their networks. In addition, adding an extra layer of protection to prevent further access in the event of an exploit-based breach.

Real-Life Barriers

IT admins checking the serverAlthough creating real-world policies and precautions may not seem like something that can affect cybercriminals, they can be invaluable in preventing data breaches caused by cybercriminals simply walking in and taking data. From manipulating unsuspecting employees to taking data salvaged from poorly discarded junk piles, cybercriminals have an array of tools in their arsenal that can be used to mine data on a more physical level.

Too often, exposure to these physical data dangers is a sign that the general security policies of the company need a major overhaul. Thus, cybersecurity efforts should leave no stone unturned to prevent data breaches from where they’re least expected.

Data deletion policies, for instance, can ensure that a company’s employees can safely and securely discard old hardware while leaving no trace of sensitive information further down the salvaging pipeline. Companies can also set up guidelines on passwords usage and e-mail identification and give strict instructions on never disclosing these and other details over insecure channels like e-mail.