SEO: a Viable Marketing Strategy

In the era of Google, Yahoo, and Bing, your SEO is king. SEO or Search Engine Optimization helps potential customers track you down. They’ll use a search engine, which will then look for a site most similar to what they’re searching for. Good SEO makes it much easier for the search engine to recognize your site. It makes it easier to lead people to your page.


That might not seem a lot, but it does. There are a ton of Internet users around the world at this very moment, numbering over the 4-billion mark. Having easy to access to them, primarily through organic means is a great help.

SEO also helps connect to a target audience better. For instance, if you’re marketing a product in Denver, it’s essential to realize what locals search for. In 2018, top searches from Denver showed the World Cup as the clear winner for that year. Understanding why people search for these words will help define your SEO and fix your marketing strategy.

SEO can’t be understated as well. It’s just a Google search, but it’s well known that when looking for results, most users don’t even look past the first page. Having a good SEO ensures that you stay at the top where you’re likely to be seen.


Man doing digital marketing

SEO is crucial because it dictates a lot about your online marketing strategy. SEO is often what leads people to your website. Low engagement rates could be a sign that you need to optimize your site and make it easier to search. After all, if people are not able to find you, then the overall traffic is low, and that means something needs to be changed.

Maintaining your SEO is also relatively cheap and painless. Unlike actual marketing, fixing up your SEO is cheap and an excellent long-term strategy for attracting potential customers. It helps you understand the Internet and what your target audience is searching for. It helps you put your company straight into their path.


The critical thing to realize about your SEO is that’s reliant on two primary things: your keywords and content.

Your keywords help define SEO. It is at its core, what the people are searching for. It’s the breadcrumbs that they follow, and it leads back to your website. Meanwhile, your content is what’s inside your SEO. If the keywords help lead people to your site, it’s the content that convinces them; this is what they’re looking for.

You need to strike a balance. An attractive website with no way to get to it is about as useful as a popular buzzword with no meaningful ideas behind it. Learn what it is people are searching for, and find ways to keep them engaged and interested in what you’re offering. Hiring a proper marketing team will help solve both of these issues.

Your SEO is how most people will stumble onto your site. It will guide their first impression of you. Thus, make it positive and give them a good experience.