Technology has a substantial effect on today’s modern society. Various sectors are shaped by the way they use technology. One particular sector that has been saved by technology from the pandemic is the education sector.
The education sector is being shaped by technology as we know it. It used to be a traditional industry reliant on face-to-face interactions to do its job. But that changed when the pandemic hit, and people were forced to utilize digital options.
Better Communication
Technology’s most obvious way to shape the education sector is through its new and developed virtual communication.
Virtual communication takes up various forms, Zoom, Skype, Discord, and more. These communication services used to be optional for many educational organizations, but since the pandemic hit the U.S., they have become essential.
Zoom learning has become a common trend. It has saved the educational careers of many students because instead of waiting for the pandemic to be over, they can continue school and advance through the academic ladder. But virtual communications aren’t primarily meant for students but teachers and school administration.
Various school admins and teachers still require meetings, but since face-to-face meetings are off the table, they can utilize virtual communication services for their meetings. Moreover, it’s worth discussing the rising investment towards the metaverse.
VR meeting platforms such as Horizon Workrooms and MeetinVR are becoming essential apps for many schools. Many school administrations claim that these VR meeting platforms are almost like the real thing, making their meetings more efficient.
Virtual Learning
Virtual communication might be the most apparent proof of technology shaping how the education sector is growing. However, this technological implementation is more desperate towards an unforeseen circumstance that affected the world. However, virtual learning is a more proactive form of technology that is subtle but shapes tertiary education from the inside and out.
Simulations are one of the best things given to us by VR technology. It helps people learn real-life applications of specific lectures. Therefore, this tech has become indispensable, especially for particular fields such as medicine and aeronautics.
Currently, many students who are training to become surgeons are using VR tech to improve their learning. This is a less risky way for them to practice operations without using a live case or cadaver. Ultimately, it reduces the costs of education while also mitigating its risks. Virtual learning is undoubtedly one of the best blessings that technology has given the education sector.
Better Safety For Students
Physical schools are under siege by all sorts of safety problems. There had been 34 school shootings in 2021 alone, and as schooling started to go back to its traditional ways, many parents fear that their children will be coming back to this reality. But this doesn’t have to be the way forward. Through technology, school shootings, and other disasters, both man-made and natural, can be controlled. The school can be a safe place for its students through the use of technology.
Currently, massive technological innovations are being installed inside schools. For example, CCTV cameras can now be controlled by security guards no matter where they are. Moreover, an increasing number of safety panic button systems are being installed in classrooms. This is a silent way to inform authorities of what’s unfolding inside the school. Essentially, this aims to de-escalate any student-based catastrophe, which can ultimately reduce the likelihood of fatalities and victimization.
Through this technology, our schools are better prepared against any crisis. Some can even become deterrents against certain disasters, stopping them on their tracks. When combined with student safety seminars, these technologies can increase the safety level of schools by a high magnitude.
AI-enhanced Learning

Teachers already have a lot on their plate, and doing administrative jobs such as planning their school curricula for each classroom is going to hinder their teaching abilities.
Teachers and admins spend thousands of hours doing administrative and repetitive tasks. This can drastically affect their performance in the long run. Thankfully, AI is here to help them with these tasks.
AI has been implemented in many schools in the US. Currently, they are in charge of handling repetitive and menial tasks such as the ones mentioned above. However, some AI is also being tested to do advanced jobs, such as creating individual student plans in a classroom to address each student’s individual needs. Some are also in charge of assessing each student’s learning stereotype.
AI is one of the technologies that is changing the educational system as we know it. If it continues to improve, AI will become a pivotal technology that will shape the growth of education at various levels.
Technology has improved many industries, and one of the major industries it has improved is the educational sector. Various technological advancements have helped people educate themselves despite the pandemic. Additionally, these advancements have also made it possible for people to learn in a more efficient manner.