Want to Grow Your Online Business? Add Product Videos to Your Website

When you want to separate your online business from the rest of the pack, you have to go beyond showcasing beautiful images of your goods. Your website should also include videos about your products.

If your prospective customers are hesitant to purchase your goods or don’t understand its value, the videos on your website will serve as a virtual sales representative that will help shoppers move toward a purchase.

Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur launching a virtual storefront for the first time or a thriving e-retailer launching various new products per month, you’ll want your website to have videos for most, if not all, the products you’re selling. Here’s how this strategy can help your online business:

  1. Increases Website Traffic

Product videos do help with your digital marketing efforts, as this medium produces quick SEO results. According to an article from Search Engine Watch, the immersion, accessibility and ease of video mean that individuals spend more time viewing the content on the website.

If you’re able to come up with an engaging video, people will spend more time on your website and boost dwell time — one of Google’s search ranking factors.

You, however, need to produce and add these videos to your website correctly. If you’ve made a product video, you’ll want to team up with a reliable agency that offers SEO services for e-commerce websites. The company can optimise your video content and deliver traffic to your website.

  1. Boosts Conversion Rate

Product videos go beyond driving organic website traffic. They also help you sell more of your stuff online. Engaging visual content can influence viewers in making online purchases. If you want to enjoy higher add-to-cart conversions on your e-commerce site, adding how-to videos on product pages is the way to go.

  1. Provides Customers with a Better Sense of the Product

One of the obstacles of buying products on an online store is that shoppers can’t touch the product. They may feel uncertain about proceeding to the checkout page, as they are unable to try on the product, turn it over or around and pick it up. Your goal as an online business owner, therefore, is to mitigate that uncertainty.

Product videos provide a way for your business to establish customer expectations comprehensively and accurately. Although your online shoppers still won’t be able to physically hold the product, they can watch someone else examine the product. The demonstrator can show the product in motion and from a range of angles.

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  1. Allows Consumers to Understand Your Products Better

Customers who are on the go are unlikely to read a full page of text describing the features, benefits and uses of a product. You can cater to these shoppers by converting all that text into one concise video that users can watch in a few minutes.

Product videos give customers information that is easy to remember, understand and forward. Video marketing statistics from Forbes revealed that consumers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it.

  1. Builds Trust in Your Business

Professional and quality product videos tell shoppers that your brand is well-established and legitimate. They also tell customers that you didn’t skimp on delivering a stellar customer experience. You’ve taken measures to help your shoppers understand the product that they’re planning to buy.

  1. Attracts the Younger Generation

If you’re looking to attract millennials and generation Z to buy products at your online store, you’ll want to add product videos to your business website. These generations are embracing video content.

What’s more, individuals aged 18 to 49 visit YouTube more than any television network. Plus, over two billion users consume YouTube content each month. So, don’t miss the boat and get started on making those product videos for this target demographic.

Having pictures of your products on your website isn’t enough. If you want to gain a leg up your competition and grow your bottom line, however, consider producing videos focusing on your company’s products.