Why Your Website Isn’t Converting Traffic

How would you describe your website’s performance? If you’re more likely to say “it’s around” rather than “it’s a marketing machine,” you know that you’re in trouble. When your site’s welcoming a lot of traffic and yet you’re not getting enough downloads, registrations, or purchases, you’ve got a “hole” where lucrative opportunities are lost.

CRO Is Low

Conversion optimization rate is the process of optimizing your website using visitor behavior to boost desired actions (e.g., buy, sign up, download, etc.). An equation gives you an accurate answer to your CRO: the number of website (or landing page) visitors divided by the number of people who act.

A low CRO could mean:

  • Your offers don’t match your current traffic; the visits you’re getting might not be interested in what you’re selling
  • Your content might not be conveying the value of your products or services; for many visitors, you might not have an edge over other businesses
  • Your products or services can be too expensive, so not nearly as appealing as a competitor’s
  • Your customer support isn’t doing its job, and you’re not retaining loyal customers

These are just some factors that could be driving your low CRO. And there is one consistent element that threads through these conversion blockages: the customer.

Do You Know Your Customer?

The reason Google is the world’s preferred search engine is that it understands its users. It implements several changes in how it places websites on its results pages by taking its cue from user behavior. So most businesses will create their SEO marketing plans around the most popular search engine and make adjustments according to its current algorithm tweaks and rollouts.

Use a similar mindset for optimizing your website: think about your customers. What do they need? What kind of experiences have they had exploring your site? And who are they?

You can’t sell your products or services if you don’t know your market. When you have an answer to who your customer is, you’ll also uncover the blockages to conversion.

Research forms the first part of your journey to improving your CRO. The second part involves some grunt work.

business websiteThe Right Tools, the Right Plan

Like everything else about your business, guesswork has no place in CRO improvement. You need the right tools to get data. Data will provide the blueprint for how you’re going to work on increasing conversions.

You’ll need tools that allow you to determine user interaction with transactions, forms, and the like on your website. You’ll need tools that give insight as to how your mobile user behaves differently from your desktop user. You’ll also need tools that help you learn where most of your visitors abandon your sales funnel.

When choosing your tools, make sure each one is compliant with General Data Protection Regulation, secure, user-friendly, and easy to integrate.

Once you have supporting data, you can begin to create CRO strategies that will help you make the most out of each traffic.

Your website can’t just exist. It has to perform well enough to skyrocket your business. Make sure it’s optimized for conversions, and you’ll never have to worry about poor registrations, subscriptions, or sales.