How to Lower Your Electric Bill in Your Office

Energy is vital to every business operation. However, every entrepreneur knows that higher energy bills are not only unkind to their pockets but also the environment. With the advancement in technology and the proven success of old-fashioned strategies, energy conservation shouldn’t be a difficult battle. Here are some ways to reduce energy consumption in your commercial working space:

1. Use a quality solid-state relay

A survey says that heating and cooling takes up about 20-40% of the building’s energy. You can offset these electrical needs by using a solid-state relay that will start, stop, and modulate the power whenever necessary. The relay’s intelligent power switch saves energy and maximizes system efficiency by automatically switching the load off when it is not required.

With one master switch, you can keep the workplace at a comfortable temperature in the most energy-efficient way possible. Also, you don’t need to walk around the office after business hours to make sure that all heating and cooling equipment was powered down.

2. Take advantage of available daylight

Daylight provides sufficient ambient lighting that can reduce electric lighting power. This means that you can save the artificial light for dark areas in the office, and during gloomy days and night shifts. Allow natural light to your building by installing the latest energy-efficient windows and crafting a daylight-optimized interior design. Make sure to put the work stations that need plentiful illumination adjacent to windows.

3. Go for LED lights

LED bulbs are proven energy-savers. They produce the same light as their counterparts while using less power and have a longer life span.

4. Say goodbye to your old machines

Modern-day appliances use significantly less energy compared to older models. Replacing your energy-hungry devices with energy-efficient ones may be costly upfront, but will give you more significant savings in the long run.

5. Inspect your HVAC equipment regularly

HVAC inspection

Regular inspection ensures that your office’s HVAC equipment is at its maximum efficiency. It should be well-maintained to prevent duct leakages and faulty electrical connections, which are major culprits for high energy bills.

6. Print less

Whenever possible, send, share, or store files digitally through the cloud, email, or pen drives instead of printing them.

7. Opt for a reasonable screen size

Small monitors consume less energy. Some of your employees may not need huge monitors, so you have to choose a computer with a right-sized screen.

8. Encourage employees to be an energy advocate

Everyone should be involved in the energy savings initiative. On your next staff meeting, discuss the real business costs and encourage your employees to turn off the lights and plug out everything when not in use. These include coffee vending machines, computers, scanners, AC’s, printers, and microwaves. These devices are called “energy vampires” because even when they’re not in use, they still drain power when they’re plugged in.

By following these pointers, you can make a huge difference in your annual energy consumption. Remember that your responsibility as a business owner is not only to maximize your profit. You also have to reduce your carbon footprint and create a positive change.