Things That Are Hurting Your Business Website’s Credibility

Almost all owners have recognized that a business website is now a must-have. Want to achieve more success? Then you’ll need to find a way for your target audience to find you online. One of the first few steps that you need to take is to build an SEO-optimized website. This is why one of the most in-demand services nowadays is professional SEO services in Perth.

An SEO professional can help you raise brand visibility. This, in turn, helps improve web traffic and maximize your conversion rate. They can even tackle the hardest tasks, including boosting your site credibility. You can seek help from an SEO expert if you find the following signs that are hurting your website’s credibility.

Poor website design

Does your business website take too long to load? Is it hard to navigate, and is the design not mobile-friendly? Maybe there’s too much clutter such as ads and animations going on on your page? All these are examples of web design mistakes that are not helping you make a good impression. Simply having a business website is not enough. One needs to make sure that the design is clean, professional, and user-friendly.

A lack of security

website security

This is another factor that can hurt your site’s credibility. Does your web address start with an HTTP instead of an HTTPS? Do you lack trust seals that your rivals have on their website? Or maybe you have broken links scattered on your site? These are some signs that your site lacks security. What you can do is to fix the errors and broken links within the website. Get the trust seals that your target audience has confidence in. Have an SSL certificate to boost your website’s security.

Monotonous testimonials and reviews

Online reviews can affect the purchasing decision of consumers. While we encourage you to post as many positive reviews as you can, it can backfire if you’re not careful when using testimonials on your website. If there are only positive reviews, then your site visitors will be suspicious of your brand. It would be best to welcome even the negative reviews as these can affect your SEO, but in ways you might not expect. If one can find a variety of reviews on your company, they will think that your brand is authentic.

Irrelevant or outdated content

The kinds of content that you have on your website can have an impact on your site’s credibility. For example, your contact details are incorrect. Your customers will find it hard to reach out to you, ask their questions, and resolve current issues. This can instantly turn them off, which can taint their confidence in your brand. If the content that you have posted on your website is no longer valuable and informative, then no one will think of your site as a valuable source of information.

These are just four examples of things that can hurt your site’s credibility. Learning about these things and knowing how to resolve them can instantly give your web credibility a boost. Make sure to always prioritize site security. Update your website with relevant information and share compelling content. Go for professional web design and utilize reviews, whether positive or negative.