The ABCs of Digital Marketing

With the rise of the internet, the landscape of marketing has changed. Before, consumers relied on print newspapers and television to get updates. Now, more people use social media to read their news and share info about recent events. From SEO service providers to influencers, the shift in marketing has led to the birth of new terms.

Here’s a quick glossary that can help you get up to speed:


Analytics refers to the evaluation of a business’ marketing performance. It can help you identify weak spots in your strategy and if a campaign is working.

Blogs can be used as a tool to complement your website. You can publish informative articles to attract visitors and boost your site’s traffic.

Conversion rate is the measure of your site’s success in getting sales. It can be calculated by dividing the number of sales by total visitors multiplied by 100.

Demographics is how you can get to know your consumers better. You can group your audience by age or gender to see who your campaign is most effective for.

Engagement rate is the measurement of post’s reception. It’s determined by the comments, shares, and likes.

Facebook has the most number of users among social media sites in America, except for YouTube. If you want to reach adults, you have to market effectively in the site.

Graphic design takes center stage in digital marketing. It has to be attractive, consistent to the brand, and legally obtained.

HTML can help your site stand out from competitors when done right. It can be used to transform a page of plain text to one with images and formatted content.



Instagram is the most relevant social media site next to Facebook. It’s especially crucial if you want to reach Americans aged 18 to 24.

Javascript is used to make sites more interactive and dynamic. You can have features like animated images and multimedia.

Keywords are the crux of SEO. It’s the combination of words that consumers use to find your content through a search engine.

A landing page connects the visitor to the business. It’s where a consumer is directed to when they click a link from an ad or email.

Memes are used by brands to relate their business to current events. It displays humor and relatability which can boost a company’s relevance and sales.

Newsletters refer to emails sent out periodically to consumers. It can keep your old consumers informed about sales and new products.

Original content is something that has not been published online. Because others don’t have the same content, you don’t have to compete to get visits.

PPC stands for pay-per-click advertising. It’s the manner of displaying ads on other sites to drive traffic to your website. The advertiser pays a fee each time a consumer clicks on the ad.


Quality is key for ads, images, and any other piece of content online to be effective. Each element should serve a purpose and should have a clear target.

Return of investment is used to determine if an ad campaign or marketing strategy is successful. It refers to the money you’re getting in return after an effort to boost sales.

Search engine optimization is one of the pillars in digital marketing. It’s the manner of attracting visitors to a site by catering to the processes of search engines. Keywords, loading time, and mobile accessibility are some of the deciding factors.

Trends dictate the relevance of any content posted online. For example, during a pandemic, the most common themes across brands revolve around health and compassion. Posting out-of-touch content can lead to a decline in sales and reputation.

Unique visits are the total number of people who have viewed a site in a specific period. It’s important because it differentiates the actual number of consumers and the total views.

Videos can be used to complement text and other pieces of content on a plain page. It encourages more visitors and presents an additional opportunity for ads.

Websites are essentials for every type of online business. It stands as the ultimate representation of your business, especially if you don’t have a physical store.

XML is a format for data that can support interaction between businesses. While HTML is static and for presentation, XML is dynamic and for transferring data.

YouTube has become one of the most prominent mediums online. It’s so powerful and accessible that it has enabled an 8-year-old kid to earn $26 million in 2019.

Zoom is currently one of the most used apps in the world. Amidst the pandemic, it has averaged an average of 300 million participants daily. As more companies adapt to remote work, it’s set to maintain relevancy.

As technology progresses, digital marketing will continue to adapt, and its terms will likely change as well. The key is to watch trends and remain updated.